digital camera photos?

Ive got a sony Digital Camera and have about 100 photos on at the minute, i did have much more but stored them on my pc a while ago, since then the pc has been wiped and the photos are not there any more. So, the other day my camera had been charging on the pc, the next day when i used it all of my old pictures were there! When i looked today, they wernt! anybody know the reason for this ? ty

Best Answer

Very difficult to tell anything about your problem because of your lack of information.

There could be other reasons, the card has failed is one of them.

The reason for failure could be you were using it as a storage device and cards aren't designed for this. My advice is after every shoot, upload to your system then format the card in the camera.
This will keep the card "healthy" and working correctly for some time.

If formatting doesn't do the trick for your card you should replace it.

Answer by Jim A on 05 Jan 2010 08:07:40

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