Medium Format Cameras?

What's the difference between these and Digital SLRs?
What are they usually used for? How are pictures saved? Through memory cards, like Digital cameras?

Best Answer

Older medium format cameras had larger film frames than 35mm film SLRs. Digital medium format cameras have larger sensors than DSLRs. Actually many medium format cameras are also SLRs or DSLRs. The film or sensor size isnt what makes a camera an SLR. Film cameras were differentiated by calling them 35mm SLR or medium format SLR. I dont know how they are differentiated now because both would be called DSLR.

Usually used for studio work. The 35mm cameras are smaller and easier to carry for location work.

Digital medium format cameras also use memory cards to store images.

Answer by KNDChicago on 06 Jan 2010 02:38:35

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