Interested in picking up Photography, how do i go about this?

I live in burbank, california. I love taking pictures and would like to learn more and become better at it. I own a cannon Digital Rebel eos and a pc not a mac. What other basic equipment do i need to take great pictures, specifically of kids/babies and what software is recommended for editing, retouching etc? Any help would be appreciate!!!

You need only two most important things in this world to get good picture:
1) Skill
2) Shoot more.

lens,ps,or flash and whatsoever occupied 45%.

Answer by inspire on 08 Jan 2010 07:36:25
Best Answer

The thing that will make the biggest difference is YOUR knowledge.

Learn about your camera !!!!
Read your manual !!!! Read it several times, and practice in between.

Attend a class, read some books, read/watch online tutorials.

The major camera manufacturers (like Canon, Nikon, Olympus etc) all have very useful sections on their website for learning about photography.
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Once you know a lot more, you'll also know what sort of gear you just can't live without anymore - lenses, flash units (plus remote triggers for them), reflectors/umbrellas/softboxes, a tripod, a monopod, sensor cleaning gear, extension tubes, more lenses, bags and huge insurance bill to protect all your stuff:-)

If you're going to be serious about it, I'd really get Adobe's Photoshop. Not only is it really the best, but it has the most help and support, and the most goodies available for it. Now here starts another HUGE learning curve.
If you work very hard at both, you'll be busy for years just getting the basics down!

Answer by selina_555 on 08 Jan 2010 09:41:51

Photography isnt as easy as you might think. I was in your position though, and i found it VERY useful to watch youtube videos....type in "begginner photography tutorials" and your guranteed to be on the right track. And after you do that, look at sample photography videos and you might realize some things other people do.

And understand your camera....thats very accompanied with all of your settings.

Answer by Josh on 09 Jan 2010 06:32:12

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