Do certain stores push certain cameras?

I feel like I just got "pushed" into buying a camera. They talked it up, it had good reviews, I bought it, I didn't like it. I went to take it back to see if there was something better (at a different location, but same chain) and heard the same spiel there too. I was told, "if you don't like it, I don't think you will find what you are looking for. I have tried all the settings and read the manual, but I still don't like it. Do some stores push you to buy certain cameras, or am I just doing something wrong?

Best Answer

Buyer's remorse is a common issue on a high dollar purchase. You order beef, and immediately wish you'd ordered chicken instead.

Yes, chains push certain brands or models all the time. Whatever corporate decides needs to go out the door, be it because of a special deal or closing out a line or whatever. I've watched clerks in places like Best Buy and Ritz blow smoke up an uneducated buyer's ass too many times. "This model will make you toast with jam in the morning, and walk the dog, and takes better pictures than the DSLR's over there, even though that is a big secret we don't tell just anyone". The maggots.

Having said all that, you actually are most likely doing something wrong. A Digital Camera is not something mastered in 20 minutes, be it a poit of shoot of any quality or heaven forbid a DSLR. I've been at this a long time, and I still keep the camera manual in the bag all the time. The flash manual too!

Answer by Caoedhen on 30 Dec 2009 08:16:30

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