My Canon 450D DSLR vs 500D camera?

I have just bought a Canon 450D DSLR Camera + kit lens and been using it for 1.5 weeks. This is my first SLR camera however i have noticed that it sports similar features to my Canon S50 point and shoot camera. To my disappointment I found out that there is the Canon 500D. The price difference wasn't that bad - less than 300 USD.

So far I wasn't that impressed with the camera (guess that's because I am newbie) and i am quite disappointed as I didn't buy the 500D. However, some forums suggested that the 500D is not really worth as long as you're not capturing any HD video. IMO the bug pluses are :
- DIGIC 3 processor
- Similar to 50D range of cameras
- VGA screen
- Higher ISOs

Some pro's suggested that it is better to invest into the 450D and get some nice lenses rather than

Would like to get some ideas.

Thanks everyone for your feedback. It was really helpful.

Best Answer

I side with the pros one this and I'll also say as a 7D owner that video with a DSLR is not nearly as grand as people think it is will be in actual use. I use real video cameras to shoot video and I use a DSLR to take photographs. For what it is worth, the 450D/Rebel XSi is well regarded for its image quality. And most people who upgrade their cameras soley for image quality are usually disappointed. I've even seen a person swear the camera they bought was bad, think that another copy of the same camera with a silver housing rather than a black housing was a much better camera. Lenses have a much greater impact on image quality than the cameras themselves and $300 will go a long way toward a very nice lens.

Here's my suggestion...Go to a local camera store with your 450D and and SD card or two. Ask to see the 500D. The 450D and 500D typically ship with the same lens. If they don't ask if you can attach your lens to their 500D. You'll find that the menus and controls are very similar if not identical in some cases. But, the point of this exercise is for your to shoot the same scenes with both cameras so you can compare the images side by side on your computer when you get home.

Your opinion may vary but, ignoring the marginal resolution advantage of the 500D, I would argue the 450D has the same or better picture quality with less noise up to its maximum ISO of 1600. Having said that, I'll admit, the 500D does have the same image processor (DIGIC 4) and imaging sensor as the 50D. While the 500D can also push to higher ISOs like the 50D, image quality also suffers significantly above 1600 ISO just like the 50D. Still opinions vary.

Last year, I bought a 450D as a backup to my 40D rather than upgrading to the 50D when it came out last year. This year, I've upgraded to a 7D and debated about whether to sell the 40D versus the 450D that actually had slightly better image quality. I ultimately decided that for my needs, the superior speed and the nearly identical control layout of the 40D relative to my new 7D made it a better back up for me without interrupting my workflow while shooting. That was my choice, yours may be different for different reasons. My opinion on this issue is that the $300 price difference should go toward a second lens or a better lens rather than upgrading your camera.

Answer by Eclipse on 30 Dec 2009 08:37:53


Answer by Elin Sing on 01 Jan 2010 09:15:15

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