does CVS develop 120mm film?

i know they develop 35mm film but im not sure about 120mm..
or walmart?

Best Answer

I dont know of any typical retail outlet which processes 120 film. Youll have to check with camera stores (professional ones - not Ritz or Wolf) to see if they can direct you.

Answer by KNDChicago on 30 Dec 2009 08:06:24

I would be surprised if either did process 120 film at the location, at best they send it off.

Below is a link to a photographer's blog site and it is to a webpage on his site that list a number of photo labs. I would check out the list and be prepared for a strong likelihood that you will have to mail out your film.

Hope this helps.


Answer by Mark on 30 Dec 2009 08:13:46

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