I sat on my camera and my lens won't come out. What should I do?

Camera troubles after i sat on the lens.

Were you naked? Where did it not come out of?

Answer by Jeff on 30 Dec 2009 03:23:33

If you hav a warranty, use it. I had did essentially the same thing and used my warranty to get it fixed, worked perfect. If you do not ahve a warranty there is prob a camera repair shop somewhere near you, an electronics repair shop. That shouldnt be too expensive. But search on teh maker's web site and see their service policy. Also earch tha question online, someone somewhere else may know what to do.

Answer by Samantha R on 30 Dec 2009 03:27:01
Best Answer

You have damaged the lens of your camera. If it's over 1 year old and inexpensive...buying a new camera is most likely your best option. Repairs can be costly.

In future, look before you sit...

Answer by Petra_au on 30 Dec 2009 03:51:17

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